Daan Van Acker

Daan Van Acker

Program Manager, FinanceMap

Daan Van Acker leads the FinanceMap program at InfluenceMap, analyzing financial institutions through a climate lens. FinanceMap's research aims to drive climate ambition within the financial sector and to hold financial institutions to account for their climate commitments and claims. Daan holds a BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering from KU Leuven and an MS in Management from LSE.

Carbon Majors: Holding the World’s Largest Fossil Fuel Producers Accountable

In the seven years after the Paris Agreement, just 57 corporate and state entities were linked to 80% of the world's fossil fuel and cement CO2 emissions. These findings come from Carbon Majors, the database of historical production data from the world’s largest fossil fuel & cement producers. In this presentation, Daan Van Acker, Program Manager at InfluenceMap, will expand on the Carbon Majors database and its findings, exploring its use as a tool to hold carbon producers accountable for their contributions to global climate change.